The Profiler Training 4-Step Methodology

Connect & Build Rapport
Master the art of rapport by learning two distinct styles, crucial for connecting with anyone. Whether engaging with thinkers or feelers, you'll learn to adjust your approach for a personalized connection.

Interview The Client
Dive into the heart of profiling with in-depth conversations that explore the psyche. This person-to-person dialogue, inspired by Carl Jung's pioneering work, is where you uncover the true essence of personality.

Verify The Personality
Ensure accuracy by verifying the four-letter personality type. This brief yet crucial step confirms your insights before moving on to explain the individual's unique profile.

Explain The Car Model
Illuminate the four parts of personality — Driver, Copilot, 10-year-old, and 3-year-old. A thorough explanation empowers clients to leverage their strengths and address challenges, setting the stage for transformative coaching.